Jason Webb – Pastor

Jason Webb has been the Pastor of Mount Olivet Baptist Church since June of 2015.

Jason and his wife Alison have two children; Nancy Beth and Jacob.
You may reach Pastor Jason via email at jason.webb@mountolivetbaptist.com
Cody Dobbs – Student Pastor
Cody Dobbs has been the Youth Pastor at Mount Olivet Baptist Church since November of 2020.
Cody and his wife Chelsea have one son; Silas Dobbs.
You can reach Pastor Cody via email at cody.dobbs@mountolivetbaptist.com
Ryan Gray – Worship Leader

Ryan Gray has been the Worship Leader at Mount Olivet in June of 2019.  Ryan and his wife Sandra have one daughter; Katherine Leanne Gray.
Ministry Verse: Colossians 3:16 (NASB)
Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Children’s Directors:
Jamie McLane & Vanessa Patrick
Celeste Carter – Secretary/Treasurer
Celeste Carter has been the Secretary/Treasurer at Mount Olivet Baptist Church since September of 2020.
Celeste and her husband Chris have three sons; Jackson, Caleb, and Gavin.